General info

What are them? Cookies are collected info by the browser when you visit a website with a device (like pc, tablet or smartphone). Every cookie contains different data (e.g the host server name, a numeric identifier ecc..), that could be collected in a data system for the during a session(or until the browser closure) or for a long period and could have an unique identification code.

What are they for? Cookies are used for many purposes depending on their type: some of them are strictly necessary for the the correct functionality of a website (technical cookies), while other optimize the performance to offer a better user experience or allow to acquire usage statistics on the website, like analytics cookies or allow to visualize customized advertising, like profiling cookies.

Consent: the possible provision of user consent could be collected by the owner, of their competence, using a technical cookie.

How to disable them? it’s possible to disable cookies using browser setting (see part. 3 “how to disable cookies”) using mechanisms available from third parties.

1. Types of cookies used on the website

Technical cookies (first party):: are essential for the correct operation, the display of the website and the storage of user consent for cookie usage.

Technical cookies (third party): are essential for the correct operation and the display of the website, to show the user authentication and to manage the payment services.

Analytics cookies (third party): are used to aggregate analysis of website visits, using a third party service.

Profiling cookies (third party): are used to create a user profile and can be used to send advertising messages or newsletter by user’s preferences thanks to recorded info during website usage, on a third party service.

2. Website cookie

First party cookies: are used exclusively technical cookies for the purpose of storage user’s consent for cookie usage (period: 12 months) and user session data (period: 12 months).

Third parties cookies: in this website are used third parties cookies listed below together with the links to the respective privacy policy page (useful for their possible disabling):

Technical cookies:

Youtube Inc:;

Analytics Cookies:

Google Analytics: (per la disabilitazione - opt-out);

Profiling cookies :

Google Inc.: (How to disable the profiling based on Google ads);

For the following cookies for sharing using social network here the link to their pages (every cookies is related to their own):

- Facebook:;

- Google+:;

- Twitter:;

- Instagram:;

- Linkedin:;

- YouTube:;

3. How to disable cookies?

Browser check: the commonly used browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) accept cookies as default settings, but this setting could be edited by user anytime. This is could be done for PC and for mobile devices like tablets and smartphones: is a general and common supported function.

Therefore, cookies could be easily disabled getting access to settings or preferences in your browser and generally could be blocked only for third parties cookies; in general, these options affect exclusively that browser and that specific device, only if there aren’t any option settings to unify preferences on different devices. The specific instruction could be found on the help or setting page of the browser. Disabling the technical cookies, could affect anyway on the full or partial functioning of all websites, including this website.

Normally, the nowadays browser:

- offer the option “Do not track”, that is supported by some website (but not to all). In that way, some website could not collect that navigation data;

- offer the option of anonymous or unknown navigation, but the navigation data will be anyway accessible by the owner of visited website;

- consent to delete the stored cookies completely or partially, but in a new visit of a website could be normally installed when this chance couldn’t be blocked.

Here the link of support page of common browser (with instruction on how disable cookies on there browser):

- Firefox (;

- Internet Explorer (;

- Safari (iOS) (;

- Chrome (

Third party cookies: these cookies can be disabled as described above or referring to each third party (following the link written in the previous paragraph).

Online tools: it is noted that from the website is possible get info about cookies, but also verify installation of all the cookies on your own browser/device, and where it’s supported you can disable them.